Orders of $99 and up get FREE shipping. Orders less than $99 are shipped for a flat rate of $4.99. Most orders ship within one business day. Most orders are delivered in 3-5 business days. All orders except sample orders receive tracking info. Our free delivery is ground shipping. Call for availability of added cost expedited shipping. 251-224-2398
We ship most orders by USPS Priority Mail, but sometimes UPS on larger orders or certain locations, at our option.
The most common shipping delay results from errors in shipping addresses.
Please make sure that the shipping address is filled-in correctly in the
order confirmation you received via email. If it is incorrect, please
us immediately.
Orders placed on weekends will
be shipped out on Mondays. Exceptions to this rule are holidays.
If you've ordered a product from us within the last 24 hours, the product
may not have processed yet or USPS has not picked-up the product yet from
our warehouse. This is common when orders are made on weekends or holidays.
You can track your order using the tracking info included
in your shipment confirmation e-mail.
If you have any problems tracking your order,
please don't hesitate to contact us at
You'll get an email from us letting you know whether your order shipped USPS
or UPS.
If you did not get an email from us, there may be several reasons:
The item/s you purchased is/are backordered.
You may have entered your email address incorrectly on the order form.
Please email Info@BordersToGo.com
if you have any questions about your shipment.