Delivery Orders received are usually shipped the next business day provided the item/s ordered are in stock. We make every effort to identify on the web site items that are currently backordered to us or ship from the manufacturer, and these items may take several weeks for delivery. The method you choose for shipping will determine the cost and estimated delivery time. Out of Stock Merchandise that we are no longer able to get is removed from the web site when sold out. Items available but not currently in stock generally take 2 weeks for shipment from the manufacturer. We endeavor to always identify such items on the web site as requiring more time for delivery. However, it is always possible that a sudden burst of orders will leave us out of stock just as your order arrives. In such cases, we will promptly notify you by e-mail that the item is back ordered and give you an estimated delivery time. Of course, you may cancel such an order with no penalty if you are unwilling to wait. |  |  |  | Returns Returns are accepted within 30 days of delivery to the customer. Returns must be in unopened original packaging, in salable condition. Any borders returned opened will not be refunded, and will not be returned to you. Samples are not returnable. Return shipping charges are at customers expense, original shipping charges are not returned. When returning merchandise please include a copy of your packing slip. If more than 1 item is listed please mark the returning item(s) and explain why you are returning the merchandise. Delivery confirmation and insurance is highly recommended when returning merchandise. Legal Information All information and graphics appearing on these pages is copyright protected by either the manufacturer of the goods displayed or by All rights reserved. If you need support with any aspect of this site, our products, or your order, please use one of the methods below to contact us. Support Methods E-Mail: | |  | Phone: | 812-897-2280 | Fax: | 812-898-2281 | (Please place orders online! Your order will ship faster and more accurately!)
 | Mail: | 616 Cardinal Circle Summerdale, AL 36580 | |